Go – Functions

In Go, functions are the basic building blocks. A function is used to break a large problem into smaller tasks. We can invoke a function several times, hence functions promote code reusability. There are 3 types of functions in Go:

  • Normal functions with an identifier
  • Anonymous or lambda functions
  • Method (A function with a receiver)

Function parameters, return values, together with types, is called function signature.

Function cannot be declared inside another function. If we want to achieve this, we can do this by anonymous function.

Go Function Example

Package main

import “fmt”

type Employee struct {

fname string

lname string


func ( emp Employee ) full name (){

fmt.Println(emp.fname +” “+ emp.lname)


func main() {

e1 := Employee {” John”,”Pointing”}




John Ponting

Go Function with Return

Let’s see an example of function with return value.

package main  

import (  



func fun() int {  

   return 123456789  


func main() {  

   x := fun()  





Go Function with Multiple Return

Let’s see an example of a function which takes n number of type int as argument and returns two int values. The return values are filled in the calling function in a parallel assignment.

Go function multiple return example

package main  

import (  



func main() {  



func addAll(args … int)(int,int)  {  



   for _,value  := range args{  

      finalAddValue += value  

      finalSubValue -= value  


   return finalAddValue,finalSubValue  }  


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